Frequently Asked Questions
We will ship your edit within 2 weeks of your order date. Most orders ship within 4 days of purchase, but we ask for slightly more time to find you the perfect pieces. You can expect frequent order updates to keep track of your goodies!
Yes—most of the time. In order to keep our item prices low, we ask that you pay for discounted USPS shipping rates. However, if you purchase a premium style edit, your first return shipping label is included in the cost.
Since it’s secondhand, we may have missed a flaw! If this is the case, please reach out via our contact tab. Items from premium boxes can be returned with the electronically-included return shipping label. Items from exchange-only boxes will be refunded or replaced on a case by case basis.
We didn’t need another subscription either. Edits can be purchased on your terms, at whatever frequency you want!
We are working on an inventory showcase feature for the site!
The upcharge on secondhand items is getting out of hand. In the spirit of making great secondhand fashion more accessible, I work hard to source inexpensive pieces.
Yes! For this, you would need to purchase an exchange-only edit (premium edits are billed after the buyer has decided which pieces they are keeping). The giftee would still have the option of exchanging items that don’t suit their taste.